IMHA Funding
The Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) funds health research in order to develop and support a well-trained base of investigators with the skills and expertise needed to design and conduct innovative and diverse research and knowledge translation activities aimed at improving health.
Current funding opportunities
Archived opportunities
- CIHR-IMHA Inclusive Research Excellence Prizes
- Catalyst Grant : Analysis of CLSA Data
- Planning and Dissemination Grants – ICS
- Chair: Applied Public Health
The purpose of this funding opportunity is to fund diverse mid-career applied public health researchers in Canada who will undertake inclusive and equitable applied research programs that tackle pressing public health challenges and who will work with decision makers from various sectors and communities to help support evidence-informed decisions that improve health and health equity. The 2019 Lancet series on Oral Health articulated the need for a national public health approach to address this key issue in human health. The Government of Canada announced plans for publicly funded dental care for low-income people in Canada in Budget 2022. To align with CIHR IMHA’s Strategic Plan priority on Oral Health, an Applied Public Health Chair will be funded to support a leader in Canada addressing national oral health challenges through a public health lens, including the effectiveness, equitable outcomes, and efficiencies of prevention interventions.
- Team Grants: Intervention Trial in Inflammation for Chronic Conditions – Evidence to Impact
- CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award
The CIHR REDI Award Program is intended to foster the development of independent research scientists who can establish and sustain strong, independent research programs in academia. Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Health funding pools are available for relevant applicants.
- Pan-Canadian Human Genome Library
- Health System Impact (HSI) Program
- CDF Innovation Grants
Network Grants in Skin Health, Bone Health and Muscular Dystrophy
This funding opportunity will provide support to create three networks: one in the area of Skin Health, one in the area of Bone Health and one in the area of Muscular Dystrophy. The aim of these networks will be to provide research leadership, stimulate innovative research and practices, strengthen research capacity, and provide a forum that engages the research community and its partners (including but not limited to industry, charities, and patients and their carers). The networks are expected to be national in scope, multidisciplinary and multi-thematic; and to foster collaborations, effective interactions, and scientific excellence.
Transforming Health with Integrated Care (THINC) - Implementation Science Teams Grants
Transforming Health with Integrated Care (THINC) Implementation Science Team (IST) Grants focus on improving our understanding of how to implement, evaluate, and spread/scale (share) transformative evidence-informed integrated care policies and interventions towards advancing the Quadruple Aim and health equity (sometimes known as the Quintuple Aim). The IST Grants are a major component of the THINC research initiative, which is led by CIHR's Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) in collaboration with multiple institutes, initiatives, and partners.
Funding decisions
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